WVU College of Law SSRN Paper Series Publishes Volume 7, Issue 3

The West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series published Volume 7, Issue 3 on August 2, 2019. The following authors were featured for their scholarship recently published to SSRN:

James Friedberg, Yitz and Ishmael: A Drama in One Very Long Act, International Law, Settlements and the Two-State Solution, and Nuclear Weapons, Elephants, Israel and the World Court.

New Citations to WVU Law Faculty Scholarship, April-June 2019

Scholarly publications of West Virginia University College of Law faculty members are frequently cited for their authority in various areas of expertise. The following is a list of works cited this spring between April 1, 2019 and June 30, 2019.

Robert Bastress

Professor Valarie Blake Publishes New Article in The Milbank Quarterly

West Virginia University College of Law professor Valarie Blake published a new article in The Milbank Quarterly . The article, titled "Legal Remedies to Address Stigma-Based Health Inequalities in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges", is co-authored with Mark Hatzenbuehler of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. It appears in volume 97, issue 2 of the journal.

From the abstract:

Professor Valarie Blake Speaks at Creighton Law Review Symposium on Inequities and Injustice in Health Care

West Virginia University law professor Valarie Blake will speak at the Annual Creighton Law Review Symposium today, March 7, 2019 in Omaha, Nebraska. This year's symposium is titled Inequities and Injustice in Health Care. Professor Blake is featured in a panel discussion "Inequities & Discrimination Based on Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Race, & Disability Status".

Read more of Professor Blake's work on SSRN.