The West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series published Volume 7, Issue 3 on August 2, 2019. The following authors were featured for their scholarship recently published to SSRN:
James Friedberg, Yitz and Ishmael: A Drama in One Very Long Act, International Law, Settlements and the Two-State Solution, and Nuclear Weapons, Elephants, Israel and the World Court.
Valarie Blake, Legal Remedies to Address Stigma-Based Health Inequalities in the United States: Opportunities and Challenges , Seeking Insurance Parity During the Opioid Crisis , Ensuring an Underclass: Stigma in Insurance, and Regulating Care Robots.
Jena Martin, It's Complicated: The Challenge of Prosecuting TNCs for Criminal Activity Under International Law.
Caroline Osborne, A Research Tool Is Not Law: A Response to Code Revision Commission v. Public.Resource.Org, Inc.
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