New Citations to WVU Law Scholarship, October to December 2023

The scholarship of West Virginia University College of Law faculty members is frequently cited as authority in numerous legal disciplines. The following is a list of faculty authored works cited and made available on Westlaw Precision between October 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023.

Robert Bastress Jr.

The West Virginia Constitution (2d. ed. 2016)

Cited by Amicus Brief of National Coalition for Public School Options in Support of Petitioners and Reversal, Blair v. Brunett, No. 22-0070 (May 20, 2022).

Cited by Opening Brief of Petitioners, Blair v. Brunett, No. 22-0070 (May 20, 2022).

Constitutional Considerations for Local Government Reform in West Virginia (2005)

Cited by Reply Brief of Petitioners, Blair v. Brunett, No. 22-0070 (July 25, 2022).

The West Virginia Constitution (1995)

Cited by State Constitutional Law-Education Clause-West Virginia Supreme Court Deems Education Savings Accounts Constitutional.-State v. Beaver , No. 22-616, 2022 Wl 17038564 (W. Va. Nov. 17, 2022) , 136 Harv. L. Rev. 1996 (2023).

Client Centered Counseling and Moral Accountability for Lawyers (1995)

Cited by Chloe Sovinee-Dyroff, Introverted Lawyers: Agents fo Change in the Legal Profession, 36 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 111 (2023).

Valarie Blake

Health Care Civil Rights Under Medicare for All (2021)

Cited by Naomi Cahn, Clare Huntington, and Elizabeth Scott, Family Law for the One-Hundred-Year Life, 132 Yale L.J. 1691 (2023).

Engaging Health Insurers in the War on Prescription Pain Killers (2017)

Cited by Chloe Warren, Chronic Disease Prevention as a Tool for Reducing U.S. Healthcare Spending, 32 Annals Health L. Advance Directive 199 (2023).

Conflicts of Interest and Effective Oversight of Assisted Reproduction Using Donated Oocytes (2015)

Cited by Leanne Aban, et al., Assisted Reproductive Technologies, 24 Geo. J. Gender & L. 337 (2023).

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and the Supreme Court’s Interpretation (2012)

Cited by Arash Aalem, Comment, Prophylactic Profit: The One-Sided Compromise, 53 U. Pac. L. Rev. 748 (2022).

The Jury is Still Out on Health Courts (2011)

Cited by Nicole Rickerd, Note, Physician False Claims Act Liability – The Circuit “Split” that Illustrates the Need for Health Courts, 26 Chap. L. Rev. 361 (2022).

Amy Cyphert

Limits of Using Artificial Intelligence and GPT-3 in Patent Prosecution (2022)

Cited by Noam Kolt, Predicting Consumer Contracts, 37 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 71 (2022).

Cited by Janet Freilich, Patents’ New Salience, 109 Va. L. Rev. 595 (2023).

A Human Being Wrote This Law Review Article: GPT-3 and the Practice of Law (2021)

Cited by Noam Kolt, Predicting Consumer Contracts, 37 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 71 (2022).

Cited by Hasala Ariyaratne, The Impact of Chat-GPT on Cybercrime and Why Existing Criminal Laws are Adequate, 60 Am. Crim. L. Rev. Online 1 (2023).

Reprogramming Recidivism: The First Step Act and Algorithmic Prediction of Risk (2020)

Cited by Katie Kronick, Left Behind, Again: Intellectual Disability and the Resentencing Movement, 101 N.C. L. Rev. 959 (2023).

Charles R. DiSalvo

M.K. Gandhi, Attorney at Law: The Man Before the Mahatma (2013)

Cited by Paula Franzese, Eugene D. Mazo, and Lawrence Spinelli, The Lawyer-Hero: Lessons in Leadership for Lawyers from Watergate to Present Day , 54 U. Tol. L. Rev. 359 (2023).

Anne Marie Lofaso

De-Essentializing Appalachia: Transformative Socio-Legal Change Unmasking Regional Myths (2018) (with Nicholas Stump)

Cited by Priya Baskaran, Lessons From West Virginia: Leveraging Law Clinics to Facilitate Broadband Infrastructure Development, 56 Ind. L. Rev. 531 (2023).

What We Owe Our Coal Miners (2011)

Cited by Sean Jettner, Employment Law Violations, 60 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 669 (2023).

The Persistence of Union Repression in an Era of Recognition (2010)

Cited by Charlotte Garden, Enforcement-Proofing Work Law, 44 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab. L. 191 (2023).

Jena Martin

Reimagining Corporate Accountability: Moving Beyond Human Rights Due Diligence (2022)

Cited by Vincent-Joël Proulx, To Boldly Go Where No Court Has Gone Before: Canada Paves the Way for Transnational Litigation Against Corporations for Human Rights Abuses?, 38 Conn. J. Int’l L. 34 (2022).

United States: Potential Paths Forward after the Demise of the Alien Tort Statute, in Civil Remedies and Human Rights in Flux: Key Legal Developments in Selected Jurisdictions (2022)

Cited by Vincent-Joël Proulx, To Boldly Go Where No Court Has Gone Before: Canada Paves the Way for Transnational Litigation Against Corporations for Human Rights Abuses?, 38 Conn. J. Int’l L. 34 (2022).

When Business Harms Human Rights: Affected Communities That are Dying to be Heard (2020)

Cited by Rachel Chambers, Litigating Corporate Human Rights Information, 60 Am. Bus. L.J. 111 (2023).

Hiding in the Light: The Misuse of Disclosure to Advance the Business and Human Rights Agenda (2018)

Cited by Rachel Chambers, Litigating Corporate Human Rights Information, 60 Am. Bus. L.J. 111 (2023).

Cited by Chang-hsien Tsai and Ching-Fu Lin, Shedding New Light on Multinational Corporations and Human Rights: Promises and Limits of “Blockchainizing” the Global Supply Chain, 44 Mich. J. Int’l L 117 (2023).

“The End of the Beginning?”: A Comprehensive Look at the U.N.’s Business and Human Rights Agenda from a Bystander Perspective (2012)

Cited by Rachel Chambers, Litigating Corporate Human Rights Information, 60 Am. Bus. L.J. 111 (2023).

Cited by Chang-hsien Tsai and Ching-Fu Lin, Shedding New Light on Multinational Corporations and Human Rights: Promises and Limits of “Blockchainizing” the Global Supply Chain, 44 Mich. J. Int’l L 117 (2023).

Cited by Jernej Letnar Černič, The Human Rights Due Diligence Standard-Setting in the European Union: Bridging the Gap Between Ambition and Reality, 10 Global Bus. L. Rev. 1 (2022).

Patrick C. McGinley

Collateral Damage: Turning a Blind Eye to Social Injustice in the Coalfields (2013)

Cited by Ann M. Eisenberg, Rural American as a Commons, 57 U. Rich. L. Rev. 769 (2023).

Dale Olson

Copyright Originality (1983)

Cited by Timothy J. McFarlin, A Copyright Restored: Mark Twain, Mary Ann Cord, and How to Right a Longstanding Wrong , 2023 Wis. L. Rev. 45 (2023).

Caroline L. Osborne

The Open Access Advantage for American Law Reviews (2015)

Cited by John R. Beatty, Open Access Without Open Access Values: The State of Free and Open Access to Law Reviews, 115 Law Libr. J. 41 (2023).

Alison Peck

Immigration and Identity-Based Conflict (forthcoming, 2023)

Cited by Matthew Boaz, Speculative Immigration Policy, 37 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 183 (2023).

Will Rhee

Geographic Discrimination: Of Place, Space, Hillbillies, and Home (2018)

Cited by Ann M. Eisenberg, The Geography of Unfreedom, 121 Mich. L. Rev. 1049 (2023).

Jesse Richardson

The Carbon Storage Future of Public Lands (2021)

Cited by Monika U. Ehrman, Hidden Resources, 13 UC Irvine L. Rev. 563 (2023).

Receivership: Another Option for Partition of Heirs Property (2018)

Cited by Phyllis C. Taite, Remediating Injustices for Black Land Loss: Taking the Next Step to Protect Heirs’ Property, 10 Belmont L. Rev. 301 (2023).

The Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act: Treating Symptoms and Not the Cause (2017)

Cited by Elise Gibbens, Property Rich and Money Poor: An Analysis of the Uniform Partition of Heirs’ Property Act and Discussion of its Benefits through a Nationwide Implementation, 24 Loy. J. Pub. Int. L. 63 (2023).

Land Tenure and Sustainable Agriculture (2016)

Cited by Ann M. Eisenberg, Rural America as Commons, 57 U. Rich. L. Rev. 769 (2023).

Is Home Rule the Answer? Clarifying the Influence of Dillon’s Rule on Growth Management (2003)

Cited by Madeline Mischler, Note, Evaluating the Use of Mandatory Edge-of-Field Buffers as a Land Use Tool to Combat Harmful Algal Blooms, 73 Case W. Res. L. Rev. 539 (2022).

John Taylor

Pauley – and ‘The Recht Decision’ – at Forty (2019)

Cited by Amicus Brief of National Coalition for Public School Options in Support of Petitioners and Reversal, Blair v. Brunett, No. 22-0070 (May 20, 2022).

S. Sean Tu

Limits of Using Artificial Intelligence and GPT-3 in Patent Prosecution (2022)

Cited by Noam Kolt, Predicting Consumer Contracts, 37 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 71 (2022).

Cited by Janet Freilich, Patents’ New Salience, 109 Va. L. Rev. 595 (2023).

What Litigators Can Teach the Patent Office About Pharmaceutical Patents (2021)

Cited by Uri Y. Hacohen, Autumn is Coming: A Novel Liability Theory That May Kill Pharmaceutical Evergreening , 40 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 49 (2022).

Cited by Arti K. Rai et al., Post-Grant Adjudication of Drug Patents: Agency and/or Court?, 37 Berkeley Tech L.J. 139 (2022).

Patent Examination and Examiner Interviews (2021)

Cited by Orit Fischman-Afori, Yifat Nahmias and Iris Soroker, Uncovering Patent Prosecution: An Obvious(ness) Negotiation, 40 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (2022).

Patenting Fast and Slow: Examiner and Applicant Use of Prior Art (2020)

Cited by Orit Fischman-Afori, Yifat Nahmias and Iris Soroker, Uncovering Patent Prosecution: An Obvious(ness) Negotiation, 40 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (2022).

Three New Metrics for Patent Examiner Activity (2018)

Cited by Orit Fischman-Afori, Yifat Nahmias and Iris Soroker, Uncovering Patent Prosecution: An Obvious(ness) Negotiation, 40 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (2022).

Luck/Unluck of the Draw: An Empirical Study of Examiner Allowance Rates (2012)

Cited by Orit Fischman-Afori, Yifat Nahmias and Iris Soroker, Uncovering Patent Prosecution: An Obvious(ness) Negotiation, 40 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L.J. 1 (2022).

Funk Brothers – An Exercise in Obviousness (2012)

Cited by Oskar Liivak, Don’t Cite Funk, 72 Cath. U. L. Rev. 193 (2023).

Joshua Weishart

Democratizing Education Rights (2020)

Cited by Caitlin Millat, The Education—Democracy Nexus and Educational Subordination, 111 Geo. L.J. 529 (2023).

Cited by Caitlin Millat and Melissa Murray, Education as Childcare, 101 N.C. L. Rev. 1463 (2023).

Long Overdue: An Adequacy Cost Study in West Virginia (2019)

Cited by State Constitutional Law-Education Clause-West Virginia Supreme Court Deems Education Savings Accounts Constitutional State v. Beaver, No. 22-616, 2022 Wl 17038564 (W. Va. Nov. 17, 2022), 136 Harv. L. Rev. 1996 (2023).

Aligning Education Rights and Remedies (2018)

Cited by Derek W. Black, Localism, Pretext, and the Color of School Dollars, 107 Minn. L. Rev. 1415 (2023).

Equal Liberty in Proportion (2017)

Cited by Derek W. Black, Localism, Pretext, and the Color of School Dollars, 107 Minn. L. Rev. 1415 (2023).

Reconstituting the Right to Education (2016)

Cited by Caitlin Millat, The Education—Democracy Nexus and Educational Subordination, 111 Geo. L.J. 529 (2023).

Cited by Caitlin Millat and Melissa Murray, Education as Childcare, 101 N.C. L. Rev. 1463 (2023).

Cited by Derek W. Black, Religion, Discrimination, and the Future of Public Education, 13 UC Irvine L. Rev. 805 (2023).

Cited by Chris Yarrell, Education Equity After the Pandemic: The Case for a Private Right of Action Under Title VI, 46 N.Y.U. Rev. L. & Soc. Changes 515 (2023).

Transcending Equality Versus Adequacy (2014)

Cited by Derek W. Black, Localism, Pretext, and the Color of School Dollars, 107 Minn. L. Rev. 1415 (2023).

Cited by Derek W. Black, Religion, Discrimination, and the Future of Public Education, 13 UC Irvine L. Rev. 805 (2023).
