West Virginia University College of Law Librarian Nicholas Stump recently published new scholarship in Legal Reference Services Quarterly. The article is titled "Critical Explorations of Human Rights: Recent and Selected Works" and was published online in September 2019. It appears in Volume 38, Issue 3 of the journal.
From the abstract:
The author provides an overview of recent critical works on human rights that constitute important contributions to the literature and ties together key threads from the discourse. Monographs, edited collections, and select articles on human rights are examined that draw primarily on critical legal theory and feminist approaches, among others, such as radical democracy and radical cause lawyering. Also explored are intersections between the critical human rights scholarship surveyed and recent works on ecological feminism and environmental human rights. The author argues that such collected works are invaluable contributions for those seeking transformative approaches to law and social change through the critical human rights lens.
Find more of Nicholas Stump's Scholarship on SSRN and SelectedWorks.