WVU College of Law SSRN Paper Series Publishes Volume 12, Issue 1

The West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series published Volume 12, Issue 1 on May 2, 2024. The following authors were featured for their new scholarship recently published to SSRN:

Anne Marie Lofaso, Is the Statutory 60-Day Deadline for Filing a Petition for Review of a Final MSPB Order Jurisdictional?, No. 2024-001

Anne Marie Lofaso, Must Courts Evaluate Preliminary Injunctive Relief Under NLRA Section 10(j) Using the Familiar Four-Factor Test?, No. 2024-002

S. Sean Tu, Rachel Goode, and William Feldman, Biologic Patent Thickets and Terminal Disclaimers", No. 2024-003

Rachel Goode, William Feldman, and S. Sean Tu, Ancillary Product Patents to Extend Biologic Patent Life, No. 2024-004

S. Sean Tu, Caroline Leadmon, C. Joseph Ross Daval, and Aaron Kesselheim, Inequitable Conduct and Invalidation of FDA-Regulated Product Patents, No. 2024-005

S. Sean Tu and Aaron Kesselheim, Preserving Timely Generic Drug Competition with Legislation on “Skinny Labeling", No. 2024-006

Jesse Richardson and Amber Miller, Solutions for Heirs Property Owners, No. 2024-007

Cody Corliss, Human Trafficking as "Modern Slavery": The Trouble with Trafficking as Enslavement in International Law, No. 2024-008

Caroline Osborne, Scholarly Impact and the Legal Caste System: An Empirical Study of Gender and Role, No. 2024-009

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