Professor James Friedberg Publishes New Scholarship in the Intercultural Human Rights Law Review

West Virginia University College of Law Professor James Friedberg recently published new scholarship in the Intercultural Human Rights Law Review. Professor Friedberg's essay appears in volume 16 of the journal. The essay is titled "States and Laws, Jews and Palestinians: Yadgar's Traditionalist Alternative. A Reflection on Yadgar, Israel's Jewish Identity Crisis (Cambridge, 2020)" and reviews Israel's Jewish Identity Crisis: State and Politics in the Middle East, authored by Yaacov Yadgar in 2020.

From the abstract:

This essay reflects on issues raised by Yaacov Yadgar concerning a devil’s bargain made decades ago between secular Zionist Israeli governments and the country’s Orthodox religious establishment, in defining who is a Jew and, therefore, entitled to the most comprehensive benefits of citizenship. It seems that the very tensions inherent in this somewhat illogical, somewhat cynical bargain are quite relevant to an us-them mentality that makes peace with the Palestinians more difficult.

Find more of Professor Friedberg's scholarship on SSRN and his SelectedWorks scholarship profile.

Image of Professor James Friedberg
