West Virginia University College of Law professor Jesse Richardson recently presented at the 10th Annual Mid-South Agricultural and Environmental Law Conference. The conference was held virtually on June 8-9, 2023 in Memphis Tennessee. Professor Richardson's session was titled "Conservation Easements & Legal Ethics Considerations."
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Our friend @JesseJames8785
— National Agricultural Law Center (@nataglaw) June 8, 2023
of @wvulaw is presenting the ethics session at #NALCMidSouth23. Conference TOMORROW! Thanks for presenting, Jesse! For info about our 10th Annual Mid-South Ag & Environmental Law Conference and to register, click here: https://t.co/7O48EKTrAD #aglaw pic.twitter.com/2AwsUzxsaU
Jesse Richardson is up next! He is discussing Conservation Easements and Ethics. Thanks for presenting, Jesse! #NALCMidSouth23 @JesseJames8785 @wvulaw pic.twitter.com/aUtqaw7PpD
— National Agricultural Law Center (@nataglaw) June 9, 2023
@JesseJames8785 doing an excellent job fielding questions regarding conservation easements and legal ethics. #NALCMidSouth23 #aglaw pic.twitter.com/uXyyuQle15
— National Agricultural Law Center (@nataglaw) June 9, 2023
Find more of Professor Richardson's scholarship on
SSRN and his
SelectedWorks scholarship profile.