New Citations to WVU Law Scholarship, April to June 2023

The scholarship of West Virginia University College of Law faculty members is frequently cited as authority in numerous legal disciplines. The following is a list of faculty authored works cited and made available on Westlaw Precision between April 1, 2023 and June 30, 2023.

Valarie Blake

Professor Caroline Osborne to Publish New Scholarship on Copyright Law and Fair Use

West Virginia University College of Law professor Caroline Osborne recently posted new scholarship to SSRN. The work is co-authored with Stephen Wolfson of the University of Pennsylvania Libraries and titled Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith, A Narrow Ruling or a Transformational Decision? An Essay.

From the abstract:

WVU Law at SEALS: Monday, July 24, 2023

This week, WVU Law faculty members are presenting and discussing their scholarship at the 2023 SEALS Annual Meeting in Boca Raton, Florida. On Monday, July 24, 2023, Professor Caroline Osborne participated in two discussion groups at the conference.

Professor Osborne was first a discussant in a program titled "Legal Research on the NextGen Bar Exam" moderated by Professor Kristina L. Niedringhaus of Georgia State University College of Law.

Professor Caroline Osborne Wins 2023 Frederick Charles Hicks Award for Outstanding Contributions to Academic Law Librarianship

West Virginia University College of Law professor and director of the Law Library Caroline Osborne is the 2023 recipient of the Frederick Charles Hicks Award for Outstanding Contributions to Academic Law Librarianship. This national award recognizes leaders in law librarianship who demonstrate continued efforts to improve and advance the profession. The Hicks Award was established in 2000 and is awarded annually by the Academic Law Libraries SIS of the American Association of Law Libraries. Professor Osborne joins an impressive list of distinguished librarians, scholars, and teachers. This much-deserved award acknowledges her accomplishments and commitment to innovation in law librarianship.

Find Professor Osborne's scholarship on SSRN and on her SelectedWorks scholarship profile.