Observations on Scholarly Impact, October 2023

This semester, we have been curious as to the impact of promotion of our faculty scholarship, specifically our institution’s SSRN paper series. Our inquiry extended to how broadly a work is promoted, distributed, and how descriptive is its metadata via SSRN.  We typically distribute issues of our paper series multiple times throughout an academic year.  Some observations:

Downloads of works with tiles that include a case name increased by 21% in the week after distribution. No additional promotion efforts were undertaken during that time frame, for this example.

WVU College of Law SSRN Paper Series Publishes Volume 11, Issue 1

The West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series published Volume 11, Issue 1 on May 16, 2023. The following authors were featured for their new scholarship recently published to SSRN:

Joshua E. Weishart, Brief of Amici Curiae Constitution and Education Law Scholars in Support of Respondents in West Virginia v. Beaver, No. 2023-001

WVU College of Law SSRN Paper Series Publishes Volume 10, Issue 3

The West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series published Volume 10, Issue 3 on November 22, 2022. The following authors were featured for their new scholarship recently published to SSRN:

S. Sean Tu, et al.,  Brief of 42 Professors of Law, Economics, Business, and Medicine as Amici Curiae in Support of the Petition, No. 2022-15

WVU College of Law SSRN Paper Series Publishes Volume 10, Issue 2

The West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series published Volume 10, Issue 2 on July 26, 2022. The following authors were featured for their new scholarship recently published to SSRN:

James J. Friedberg, States and Laws, Jews and Palestinians: Yadgar's Traditionalist Alternative. A Reflection on Yadgar, Israel's Jewish Identity Crisis (Cambridge, 2020).