New Citations to WVU Law Faculty Scholarship, January - March 2021

The scholarship of West Virginia University College of Law faculty members is frequently cited as authority in numerous legal disciplines. The following is a list of faculty authored works cited this year between January 1 and March 31, 2021.

Valarie Blake

New Citations to WVU Law Faculty Scholarship, July - September 2020

The scholarship of West Virginia University College of Law faculty members is frequently cited as authority in numerous legal disciplines. The following is a list of faculty authored works cited this year between July 1 and September 30, 2020. 

Robert Bastress

New Citations to WVU Law Faculty Scholarship, April - June 2020

The scholarship of West Virginia University College of Law faculty members is frequently cited as authority in numerous legal disciplines. The following is a list of faculty authored works cited this spring between April 1 and June 30, 2020.  (Some citing articles dated 2019 appeared in print and/or on Westlaw in 2020.) 

Robert Bastress

WVU College of Law SSRN Paper Series Publishes Volume 8, Issue 2

The West Virginia University College of Law Research Paper Series published Volume 8, Issue 2 on April 30, 2020. The following authors were featured for their scholarship recently published to SSRN:

Shine Tu, Free Speech in the Balance: Judicial Sanctions and Frivolous SLAPP Suits (with Nicholas Stump), Patenting Fast and Slow: Examiner and Applicant Use of Prior Art, and Patenting Fast and Slow: Examiner Rejections and Applicant Traversals to Non-Prior Art Rejections.

Professor Caroline Osborne and Librarian Stephanie Miller Post New Article on Scholarly Impact to SSRN

West Virginia University College of Law professor Caroline Osborne and librarian Stephanie Miller co-authored a new articled titled "The Scholarly Impact Matrix: An Empirical Study of How Multiple Metrics Create an Informed Story of a Scholar's Work". The paper was first presented as part of The Kathrine R. Everett Law Library Scholarship Series in April 2020 and is now posted on SSRN.

From the abstract: